
Franklin MLS Youth Soccer Set - Goal, Ball, & Pump Review

Franklin MLS Youth Soccer Set - Goal, Ball, and Pump
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This kit should give young beginners to the game a chance to develop skills and enthusiasm. That can't be too difficult to achieve but please give this product a wide berth. It is junk, cheaply constructed and, in my family's case, worthless after the first time we used it. The ball didn't hold air for more than 20 minutes and was audibly hissing after an hour. The goal is too small, even for tiny kids and the ground stakes snapped after the first time used in the park. Furthermore, the clips holding the net in place pop out any time the ball actually hits the back of the net.
I'm only really annoyed because it's an MLS badges product and they must know better. They must have put their name on this junk without testing it at all. Shame on them...

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