
Illinois Fighting Illini Scoreboard Review

Illinois Fighting Illini Scoreboard
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MY clock went out when the electricity or surge went out. But I, when something fails to work on me, tend to open it and try to disconnect the power cord or the computer cord and then I see if I can't fix it. When doing this to this item, i noticed that there is a nickel 3v battery ($2), like a watch battery but the quarter size. I replaced it and that was it. I even ordered more batteries just in case. BUT the package nor the insert didn't say anything about it and when you open it, you have to look around for the battery. SO, don't throw it away, change the battery.
I love the product but because the battery issue wasn't disclosed or on the package and people aren't always eager to open things up like me. I feel like this product is one star, until they tell you how to fix the issues with the battery then you can't make people buy your product and then have to replace it every time the battery goes out....thats not right.

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